I once was a Pirate what sailed the 'igh seas - But now I've retired as a com-mission-aire: And that's how you find me a-taking' my ease And keepin' the door in a Bloomsbury Square.
I'm partial to partridges, likewise to grouse, And I favour that Devonshire cream in a bowl; But I'm allus content with a drink on the 'ouse And a bit o' cold fish when I done me patrol.
I ain't got much polish, me manners is gruff, But I've got a good coat, and I keep meself smart; And everyone says, and I guess that's enough: `You can't but like Morgan, 'e's got a kind 'art.'
I got knocked about on the Barbary Coast, And me voice it ain't no sich melliferous horgan; But yet I can state, and I'm not one to boast, That some of the gals is dead keen on old Morgan.
So if you 'ave business with Faber - or Faber - I'll give you this tip, and it's worth a lot more: You'll save yourself itme, and you'll spare yourself labour If jist you make friends with the Cat at the door.