The entire trunk was painted with an oil based porch stain.
The lable inside the lid was in bad shape and crumbling away. I took a sheet of clear contact paper (like shelf
liner) and covered it to protect it. The rest of the inside I stripped, sanded, and stained.
The label says "Feigenbaum Trunk & Bag Co. Cleveland O. "
It took a lot of chemicals and effort to get the wood clean.
The colors are a bit bright but it is a fun little trunk that reminds me of a pirate's treasure chest.
Janet from Olmstead Falls had this to say:
I enjoyed viewing your before and after photos. I also refinish old trunks and actually have
one that is identical to your blue one, made at the same trunk company. By the way, my husband and I did some research on
this company and the building still remains in downtown Cleveland! We found a listing for the Feigenbaum Trunk Co. in a 1910-11
phone directory. The company was located at 1266 to 1276 West 6th, N.W. in Cleveland. The first floor, viewed in the trunk
label, is now at basement level, as the street in front of the building has now been raised to what used to be the second
floor level! The building is now housed by Jay-Vee Men's Clothing. Just a piece of history thought you'd like to know!